Kyani Review – Don’t Join Before Reading This!

Do you feel that? That little tugging sensation on your heart?

It sounds good. Unlimited income. Time freedom. They all sound good.

But…Kyani logo

It can’t be that good. It can’t be without a catch. It can’t be just that.

Then again…

What if you’re wrong? What if all of your friends get the life that they really wanted but you didn’t? Simply because you didn’t believe.

But where?

Where do you go to get an objective perspective on things? The naysayers say it’s a scam. It’s not legit. You will end up throwing your money to waste. The other side says otherwise.

Do you feel that tugging sensation on your heart? A tugging sensation that tells you not to make decisions based on emotions but on facts. A tugging sensation that holds you back from writing a check or walking away without knowing everything.

If you need facts, if you need the truth, if you need to know everything, you are without a doubt in the right place.

If you are looking for a legit Kyani review with no intentions of selling you something, then this is the place for you.

The Controversy and The Rumor – Kyani Products Review

Kyani has already faced a lot of controversies and a lot of people has already claimed victim of a kyani scam. Despite the negative comments, you also see people enjoying the benefits, earning money, and were able to experience the promises that were made. That would make the review of Kyani little more interesting. 

Then you’re caught in the middle. What really is Kyani? What is its’ business?

A lot of people have said that the prices of the products are overrated. If you compare the price of one of their products to a grocery supplement which has the same ingredient, Kyani product is $10- $20 more expensive. Even more, you can actually buy Kyani products cheaper on Amazon and the product you get is the exact product you can purchase from Kyani dealers/distributors, but as said, at a very cheap price. 

A lot of people also have said that they have been tricked by emphasizing that they ONLY need to recruit three people and the three recruit three and so on, and they can already get the life that they dreamed of.

There were also promises made that even if they do it part time, they will be able to get the income that they desire.

You know what I think of this?

I think we need to know more. I think we need to see the truth behind the glitter. I think we need to see the real picture behind the gloss. Let’s dive into the non-biased Kyani products review. 

Kyani Pyramid Scheme vs. Kyani Multi-Level Marketing

The main reasPyramid schemeon why people have been clamoring claims that Kyani is a scam is because of its’ business plan. Some say it’s a pyramid scheme but Kyani registered it as a multi-level marketing. Alright. Hush. Before we even start a debate whether it’s a pyramid scheme or a multi-level marketing, let’s understand them first.

Pyramid scheme concentrated mainly on making quick profits earned by selling the right to recruit others. It focuses more on recruiting other participants than selling the product or service, making little or no mention about the market for the item.

 These main red flags of a pyramid scheme are:

  • Promises to make thousands or even millions of dollars with little effort.
  • Long anecdotes of how many people have made a fortune with the company without providing concrete facts.
  • Large start-up costs and substantial hidden fees to become a distributor.
  • Revenue is generated from selling the opportunity not the product.  

The reasons why many consider MLM as a scam is because of these 5 signs as specified by Jim Wang, personal finance blogger. 

  • Focus is more on recruiting than selling
  • Poor training
  • Pressure to pay for more
  • Sales tactics brought to bear on you
  • Seems too good to be true

You have read the signs of a pyramid scheme and also, an opinion of someone who doesn’t like MLM. Well, let me tell you what I think.

If you can sell a product without telling about an income/recruitment opportunity, it’s a real product and there is nothing shabby in that kind of marketing. The moment it goes wrong is when you have to tell hyped and unsubstantial things about the product to get it sold. Some choose to sell products making their customers believe the promoted health product will cure cancer, baldness, aging and what not!

In pyramid schemes, there won’t be any product at all or in some cases, the product will be completely useless with no benefits to the customers. In such cases, the customers themselves will be recruiters of the system.

What does it tell us? It tells us that not all companies that present themselves as MLM are a scam. But not all MLMs are airtight scam-proof. 

In the case of Kyani, in my opinion, it’s not a perfect MLM because of the same reasons said above. The claims of the effectiveness of the products are hyped and sometimes, Kyani products are sold by hyping about the income potential or about the curing capacity of the products. Sometimes, the affiliates make use of shabby marketing tactics like unsubstantial claims for selling the product. Misrepresentation isn’t that great on the side of customer even though it works well for the seller. So, the shades of a pyramid scheme are all over Kyani and you will understand it by reading further.

Let’s Look Into… The Company, Kyani. 

In their website, Kyani relayed its’ story of how the company started. It was founded in 2005 by two families with humble beginnings- the Hansens and the Taylors. These two families were introduced to two unknown superfood- Wild Alaskan Blueberries and Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon. From there, start their journey into the world of multi-level marketing. Kyani is also a member of the Direct Selling Association.

Their goal is “to empower people globally to experience more in their lives; better health, more wealth, and a lot of fun.”

Kyani’s main office is located in Idaho. Currently, they have thousands if not millions of distributors all over the world. They have already made distributors to 57 countries in the world.

So mainly, Kyani is a company that sells health and wellness products. And there are two ways to join Kyani. You can either be a customer who buys their products or be a distributor. They have a compensation plan for distributors that will allow them to have unlimited downlines.

Remember. We are just laying our cards down and presenting facts here. I will give my two cents on this towards the end of the article.

The Competitors

It’s not a good company if it is without competitors.

Kyani has a lot of competitors in the health and wellness industry in MLMs. This is because MLMs choose health and wellness products because they are consumable. When they are consumable, this means that people are going to come back and buy more once they are satisfied with the product. That’s when the company continues to earn profits.

The competitors are Amway, Usana, and Herbalife. All three are also MLM companies similar to Kyani, in one way or another. 

The Kyani Products

When you go to their website, it will show you right away their Triangle of Health. Triangle of Health is composed of three products. These products are Kyani Sunrise, Kyani Sunset, and Kyani Nitro.

Kyani products review

Remember, I am just letting you know what they have listed on their site. These are not scientific claims. 

1. Kyani Sunset– It is a supplement that is a combination of Omegs-3s, Vitamins A, and Vitamin D. Derived from its’ name, Kyani sunset is intended for evening use to maximize bioavailability and absorption.

Distributor PriceDistributor Price with Auto ShippingRetail Price
$ 59.95$62.95$65.95

2. Kyani Sunrise– It is a vitamin nutritional supplement which includes vitamins and food including Riboflavin, Thiamin, Pomegranate, Cranberry, Grape, Amla Berry, Panax Gingseng and many others. This is intended for morning use.

Distributor PricePreferred CustomersRetail Price
$ 35.95$39.95$43.95

3. Kyani Nitro– I know what you’re thinking. It’s not liquid nitrogen. Nitro stands for Nitric Oxide. It is a gas that has been proclaimed by science in 1992 as the “Molecule of the Year.” What does it do? It carries messages at a cellular level because of its gaseous form.

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Kyani also did a lot of charitable works visiting third world countries such as the Philippines and fed children with their Potato Pak. Well, that’s what majority of MLM companies do, charity. 

Does Kyani Supplement Really Work?

If you check out the reviews made by different people on the effectiveness of the Kyani products, you’d be more confused. There are a bunch of frustrated people who will air out their dismay on how this product never changed or improved their health. Then again, you’d be able to see people enthusiastically rejoicing over how magnificent and even “magical” this product is.

Okay. Before we go and lash out on each other, let’s study the facts.

What does Kyani have to say about their products?

Here is their disclaimer.

“The statements and  products referenced in this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The Kyäni products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition.  The information in this site is intended as a source of reference materials and scientific data for educational purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your individual health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.”

There you go! What does it mean? Kyani products are categorized as food or dietary supplements. And they do not claim any therapeutic effect of the supplement. But you would remember that the guy who approached you told you that Kyani products have stunning effects. Well, even the company don’t say so. 

Dietary supplement is intended to provide nutrients that may otherwise not be consumed in sufficient quantities. They are not intended to prevent or treat any disease and in some circumstance are dangerous.

In an article published by Harvard Health,  they mentioned the biggest caveat in supplements.

many of those exciting supplement studies were observational—they didn’t test a particular supplement against a placebo (inactive pill) in a controlled setting. The results of more stringent randomized controlled trials haven’t yielded the same good news.”

This means that there are several factors or reasons why people have different experiences on supplements. Most often than not, people who take these supplements tend to have a placebo effect. Thus, they exercise more, eat a more balanced diet, and become more health conscious.

The article also stated that, “Some supplements that were found to have health benefits in observational studies turned out, with more rigorous testing, to be not only ineffective but also risky.”

Does Kyani supplement really work? IT DEPENDS. It depends on your condition and the kind of lifestyle that you maintain. As always, if you have doubts, better consult a physician before taking this supplement because you may already have enough of the vitamins that are in these supplements. There are no magical incredients in Kyani products which could cure cancer or prevent aging! 

The Compensation Plan Of Kyani 

Kyani has similarities and differences in compensation plan with pyramid schemes. They are similar because whoever jumps first or joins first gets to enjoy ever cent that the latter brings into the company. They are different because of its compensation plan. Kyani uses multi-level marketing compared to the “pairing” strategies of pyramid schemes.

It also gives compensation on the following criteria

  • Customer purchase- They give up to 30% pay
  • Recruitment commission- The amount is depended on the starter pack
  • Pay Gate Accumulator- Gives commissions based on your downline
  • Generational Check Match- Commissions are received up to 9 generations

Cost Of Products

The cost has been a little controversial for some because well it can be a bit pricey. Nevertheless, you be the judge.

Price of kyani products

The Final Verdict – Kyani Review!

Here we are going to answer several questions that may have been toying in your head as you have read the above information.

  •  Is there a Kyani scam?

If we base in on their website alone, then it is imperative that there is no existence of scam because there was no intent to hide anything or to overemphasize the effectiveness of their products except the connection with Alaska. On MLM field, the hype and misconceptions are common as no one can control the people promoting a product to get a sale. 

Kyani has been running for about 12 years and for a MLM company in the health and nutrition niche, it’s kind of a big deal and you can’t do it with a 100% bull shit product. At the same time, it’s pretty obvious that the products are overpriced like any other MLM product. That’s just the nature of MLM industry.

Another advantage of Kyani over many other MLM companies is that you don’t have to bulk order in order to be in profit and thus, you won’t loss hell lot of money in case you fail to make the sales. In Kyani, you just have to refer your customer to your affiliate website and the company will ship the product to the customer.

Where does the scam come in? It comes in on the people doing the business. Because if the person gave false hopes and presented it as a get-rich-quick scheme, then yes it can be classified as a scam.

  •  Is it possible to make money in a kyani business?

Yes. Absolutely yes! But the question is do you have what it takes to succeed in this business?  Can you recruit people? If yes, you can make money. If you are not that good in recruiting, give it a pass unless you want to test the product. 

Kyani shares 52-56% of a product’s value to its affiliates on multiple levels. So, there is enough money to be made by selling. But with 52% sharing, you need to understand that the real value is thus proved to be way less than it is priced at.

  • What does it take to succeed in this business?

If people told you that doing this business is really easy, then that person is lying. Just like in any business, it takes time, hardwork, and a lot of focus. If you have a good number of people in your network who are also willing to do the business with you, then this can be a little easier. 

You should also have a high tolerance for rejection. This is still sales, so rejection is inevitable. Also, you have to consider the stigma that pyramid scheme/ multilevel marketing has in the society. You shouldn’t try to get your family members into this business as it can even lead to issues as has happened in many families. Other way around is to let them know what this is really. If they are still interested, why not get them into the business?  

You should also be willing to discuss and share the business to strangers. Eventually, you will run out of warm market. This means that you will need to tap on the cold market to keep your business running.


  • Is it possible to do this business part-time?

Yes. But just also expect to get a part-time income.

Just like what the bible verse say, “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”

If you want to experience what other people who made a name in the kyani business, then you should also be willing to take the sacrifices and the risks.

  • Is it possible to make a career out of this?

Yes. But you have to make the needed the sacrifices and hard work to make this a lifetime career. Only 1 in 10000 can take this as a career. So, if you intends to quit your job for some MLM company, think again before you do it. 

Conclusion – Should You Try? 

Let’s conclude the review by giving you the right direction. You should join if your answer to all of the below questions is ‘YES’.

  • Do you have outstanding communication skills?
  • Was your last MLM experience good, if you have done any?
  • Are you a person who won’t get depressed if the person you recruited is failing to make any sales or profit, thus losing money which he paid to get his first product?
  • Do you understand that the product is not as good as everyone says?

If you have joined any MLM before and if it didn’t work out last time, it probably won’t work out this time too. MLM is not for everyone.

If you just want to try their product and is not interested at all on the recruitment side, you can purchase any of the Kyani product from at a lesser at a lesser cost.

Phew! There you go. I hope this review shed some light to the blur that you have been having about Kyani. It is not your conventional kind of business but it is still a business that requires the necessary skills to make a conventional business work.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. You made such and awesome and fair review. I have been doing this research for a friend who doesn’t speak English and wants to join, she has never done this type of work and she is not even active on social media, I don’t think she will be successful here. “I have a large social media audience and I am not at all interested, I did Primerica, Melaluca, WorldVenture and many others and I am not interested; it’s not for everyone.

    I love that you used the bible verse in your example and that did it for me. Wow, you are awesome and I hope that God showers you with blessings so that you can continue helping others, who don’t do their homework like we do.

    Love and blessings to you.

    1. I love and honest person who will state the facts for what they are bee all have someone that we know, or it could be ourselves, that have health issues. So we are always trying to help them find relief of some kind; whether it is a gut issue or an inflammation issue or something more serious!! My brother is only 50 and he deals with Parkinson’s. It is tragic to watch him suffer. So when I heard of all of the “cures” for csncer, etc. that Kyani was helping with, I had to investigate it for my brother!! But I’m also a believer that if something sounds to good to be true, it n to de to be looked into. You can’t imagine how valuable your product review was!! The last thing that I need to do today s give him something else to try that won’t work. At the meeting they had an image of a person that had stomach cancer. They had a before picture and then an after picture once they stayed on Kyani. I so want d to believe it could work for my brother!!! But I had to be sure before giving him anything. Thanks so very much❤️

  2. I liked your article very much! I agree with what you said; thank for taking the time to write this.

  3. This review is very fair. MLM is not for everyone. I’m introvert and kinda lazy so MLM business is not for me. I did try MLMs before e.g. usana, Amway, nuskin, atomy but never worked for me. I have alternative business that fits with my personality and it is indeed gain positively.

  4. Love annoying my friends relatives and anyone I know on fb to try & get them on board. My days are filled pestering people .. all day every day … one day I will be rich 🤩 mark my magic words

  5. That was a comprehensive review about Kyani products, it enlighten me so much . I may try it for my Mom as a customer but definitely not interest to be a distributor. Thank you so much for the incredible review.

  6. This was a great overview. I signed up to get the discount on products and made decent income. It really helped me with particular health ailments but it works for my body along with my lifestyle and exercise that works for me so I can continue to enjoy the products. Everything is spot ok except the Amazon part. The only way the products are on Amazon is if old distributors sell it online and are no longer active and/or the product was stolen from the mail/porch. We have had that happen to numerous friends. All in all great post! Thanks for sharing!

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